We will represent you.

Our people know how hard it is to be caught in the criminal justice system. We have the experience, education and savvy to argue, negotiate and plan your way through it. Let us be your voice. Contact our office by looking up our people below.


We will review the allegations with you and your sureties to structure a solid release plan. At your bail hearing, we will fight hard for your release.


We will map out your case, explain its strengths and weaknesses, conduct a pre-trial, receive a resolution position, and help you decide whether to resolve your case, or take it to trial.


You want to win, and so do we. We fight hard for you in the lead up to and during your trial.

Get In Touch

Email us below. We will reply within 24 hours.

Important Note

Do not send us any confidential information or documentation about your case. We will not review either of them until we have met first met with you and then agreed to act for you.

Any email correspondence to contact the firm is for information purposes only. You will not be considered a client of the firm until we have agreed to act for you in accordance with our usual policies for accepting clients. The content of this website is provided for informational purposes only and should not be construed as legal advice. No action with regards to your particular matter should be taken until you have first sought full legal or professional advice from a lawyer fully retained to act on your behalf.
